Alarm System & Sensors

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  • AP100
    AP100 SeriesNew
    AP100 SeriesPopular
    AP100 Series

    AP100 series is Wi-Fi Alarm Security Kit for smart home security, when someone illegally enters your home, the  door sensor will be triggered and push instant notifications. Wherever you are, you can modify the security mode  on all-in-one smart home app ZSmart, place your alarm in home mode to disarm your interior sensors and set  away mode to arm all the sensors while you are out. Stay connected the open/closed status of supervised doors  and windows, keep protecting your valuables.

    AP100 series will be a wise choice for store, garage and apartment, it creates a safer, smarter, and more  convenient lives.

  • IR10

    IR10 is a Wi-Fi enabled IR (infrared) universal controller for your smart home system. With its compact  design and powerful cloud codes library, you will get rid of all kinds of traditional remote controls in your  house and bring a smart core to the existing IR home appliances in a few simple steps. 

    With the all-in-one smart home system App -- ZSmart, you could use your smartphone to remotely control  various IR-based home appliances, such as air conditioners (AC), TVs, fans, TV boxes, Blu-ray Disc, projectors  and other infrared devices. Besides, it is very flexible to use the DIY learning mode to duplicate other  remote controls that are incompatible with the built-in IR codes.

  • DS10

    DS10 is Wi-Fi door sensor with the double reed switch to detect if a window or door is open in real time. It is easy  to install by adhesive tape, without destroying the appearance and structure of the original furniture, therefore  the detector can be placed and used at will according to your requirements. When you are away from home,  you can receive real-time notifications about the abnormal status, such as window/door alarm intuitive. The  Wi-Fi supported door sensor is compatible with all-in-one smart home app ZSmart, you can realize various of  powerful and useful functions such as remote control, real-time alerts and review the history record.

    DS10 will be a wise choice for doors, windows, cabinets, drawers or any place you want to be notified when they  are opened or closed, it creates a safer, smarter, and more convenient lives.

  • WD10

    WD10 is Wi-Fi water leak detector to protect your home from water leakage. It is easy to install without wire and  drilling required, therefore the detector can be placed and used at will according to requirements. The Wi-Fi  supported water leak detector is compatible with all-in-one smart home app ZSmart. When you are away from  home, you can receive real-time notifications about the abnormal status, such as flooding basement, washing  machine leak and so on. 

    WD10 will be a wise choice for washing machine, water tap and kitchen, it creates a safer, smarter, and more  convenient lives.

  • MS10

    MS10 is Wi-Fi motion sensor for home security, when there is movement detected, the alert notifications will be  pushed to your phone, be aware of what's happening at home even you're outside. The Wi-Fi supported motion  sensor is compatible with all-in-one smart home app ZSmart. you can realize various of powerful and useful  functions such as remote control. real-time alerts and review the history record.

    MS10 will be a wise choice for residential, health care, it creates a safer, smarter, and more convenient lives.

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